What is Mojo Sauce?!

Our April menu introduces a new recipe, Mojo Pork.  It’s phenomenal! A bed of shredded Brussels sprouts topped with a pork tenderloin covered with a mojo Crust and surrounded by potatoes; an entire meal!  We all know what Brussels sprouts are, we all know what potatoes are, but what the heck is mojo?

Mojo is a sauce consisting of garlic, paprika, oil, and the acidic ingredients of orange juice and lime juice.  Our mojo crust contains walnut pesto, giving it depth and even more flavor. You’ll love it!

Oh, by the way, mojo sauce originated in the Canary Islands.  Raise your hand if you know where the Canary Islands are. You get an A if you know that they’re a Spanish archipelago in the Atlantic ocean...they’re the southernmost part of Europe and are located west of Morocco.  Good to know for Trivia Night!

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